Friday, July 30, 2021

Caveman Foods - Blog

Caveman Foods - Blog

Caveman Employees' Favorite Hiking Destinations

Posted: 29 Jul 2021 09:29 AM PDT

No better way to unleash your inner savage than climbing a summit in the great outdoors. Here are some of the biggest Cavefan's favorite spots to hike. Maybe this can help you find the next adventure to embark on!

Justin is our Vice President of Sales: "My favorite hiking spot of all time is Table Rock in Boise, Idaho, up the "Old Pen" trail. It's a 3 mile hike, reaching just over 3,600 feet in elevation. The reward is a beautiful 360 degree view of valleys, foothills and all of the city of Boise. Once reaching the top there is nothing like sitting down, enjoying the sights, and the ensuing peace that comes over you while taking in all the beauty around you. Before my descent I love to enjoy a Caveman Double Dark Chocolate Protein bar to fuel the rest of my journey!"

Sallie is our Vice president of Product Development: "My favorite place I've discovered so far in the Pacific Northwest has been Mount Teneriffe. It's a pretty good peak at 4500ft, and there are so many different topographies within this mountain that make it unique – you can start at the bottom where its green and lush and peak at the top where it is snowy and freezing. I have summitted this mountain twice using different routes and it was a completely different experience. As always, the best part is standing at the top, enjoying the view and tapping into your inner savage!"

Jeff is our Chief Executive Officer: "My favorite hike is the alpine meadow loop above Paradise on Mount Rainier"

Amber is our Accounting Associate: "A favorite trail of mine is the George Miller Regional Trail in Martinez. It winds along the hillsides that border the Carquinez Strait so I love that you get some nature and wildlife while also getting some amazing views of the water. It's great if I want to get some fresh air and take a leisurely stroll, but it's also great if I'm looking for something more challenging."

Damon is our Senior Director in Digital Marketing: "The Bay Area is filled with amazing hiking. My "regular" hike is the Quarry loop in Tilden Park, but I have also loved exploring the less popular trails in Briones Regional Park. If I could return to any hike I have done, it would probably be the Black Elk Peak Loop in Black Hills' Custer State Park – it is worth the climb to the top! (And my favorite Caveman hiking snack is the Sweet and Smoky Turkey Bites.)"

Beach is our Digital marketing Manager: "Living in Bend, Oregon provides me with almost unlimited hiking possibilities! I especially enjoy munching on the Sriracha​ Chicken Bites while trudging up Broken Top Trail to reach the Bend Glacier Lake. It's always worth the few miles of incline to be alone with the clear water, magnificent peaks, and the wildflowers!"


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